Additional Spectrum Views Sought

A public consultation on the arrangements for assignment of an additional 80 MHz of spectrum in the 4.9 GHz band (4.80 - 4.96 GHz) and the spectrum utilisation fee for the provision of public mobile services was launched today.


The Secretary for Commerce & Economic Development and the Communications Authority jointly launched the consultation to seek views from the industry and other interested parties by August 18.


The authority said that the 4.9 GHz band, with good radio propagation characteristics, is suitable for providing wide area coverage, adding that it can also be deployed at all indoor and outdoor locations in Hong Kong.


As there are likely to be competing demands for the additional spectrum, it is proposed to be assigned by way of auction.


As for the related utilisation fee, similar to other spectrums assigned for public mobile services where there are competing demands, the use of the additional spectrum should be subject to a fee that reflects the full market value, the authority noted.


The fee should be determined by auction with the reserve price to be set by the Commerce & Economic Development Bureau nearer the time, it added.


The bureau said auctioning the spectrum will ensure that such a scarce public resource can be put into the hands of the operators who value it most and will consequently put it to the most efficient use for the benefit of the public.


After taking into account the views and comments received, the bureau and the authority aim to make their decisions in the first quarter of 2021.


Click here for the consultation paper.


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